First, we must remember the many people who volunteer their time before, during and after the star party. Without them, this weekend could not happen.
Dairy Queen of Frankfort - They provided the Dilly Bars for the Sky Trekker program.
Deer Creek Golf - Provided golf carts for us to use to get around and get things done.
MCF Hardware - They provided a generous donation towards all of the new signage that we have to get every year.
Orion - They came through with a great selection of door prizes.
OPT Corp (Oceanside Photo and Telescope) provided more great door prizes.
JMI telescope for more door prizes.
Sky Publishing for more door prizes.
Kurblach Publishing for more door prizes.
Marilyn Sameh for more door prizes.
Explore Scientific for more door prizes.
Tele Vue for more door prizes.
Mike Abell for more door prizes.
Wood Wonders (Ron Burrows) for more door prizes.
Ed Jarrett for more door prizes.
George Wyncott for more door prizes.